It is better to document the meaning of a property tag at its own wiki
page, so tools like Taginfo can make use of the description, but a tag used
only a handful of times does not need to be added to major feature pages
without discussion.

I’ve made a page for key:educational now, so it will  be documented, since
it’s been added to 17 routes in the past 14 months.


On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 9:52 AM Warin <> wrote:

> On 17/08/19 03:55, s8evq wrote:
> > On Thu, 15 Aug 2019 20:37:56 +0900, Joseph Eisenberg <
>> wrote:
> >
> >> The key "educational" has only been used 25 times, mainly
> >> "educational=yes", and does not have a wiki page, so it would be best
> >> to remove it from the route pages.
> >>
> > That's OK for me. Anybody who's againt removing it from the the tagging
> scheme?
> It is obviously something mappers want to indicate. If it has no
> documentation then it will get used in lots of different ways .. not all of
> them that useful.
> As this is the only documentation for it I think OSM would loose
> information from its removal.
> route:educational=yes could be a better tag?
> I prefer trying to make good tags that people can use, even of the use is
> low, as good tags are better than poor tags.
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