On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 20:00:32 +0100, Paul Allen <pla16...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, 16 Aug 2019 at 19:43, s8evq <s8...@runbox.com> wrote:
> > [1] [make it more clear that the walking route has to be signed in order
> > to map it. As it is stated now, you could read it that a named hiking route
> > is sufficient to be mapped]
> >
> Does it have to be signposted as a walking route?  

In my opinion yes. It's an objective fact, visible on the ground, and can be 
Let's put it otherwise: "Besides signs and trail markers, what other facts or 
properties of the route would you consider sufficient in order to map the 

One example: My running club has also a group of people who go on a walk 
together, every Wednesday. They have been doing the same 5km route for the last 
7 or 8 years. Should that be mapped? It's not indicated, not written down, just 
common knowledge among club members. My feeling tells me something like that 
shouldn't be in OSM.

Another example: there are lot's of walks in small nature reserves in my 
region. They are published online, as a PDF containing a small map of the 
nature reserve. The routes are also indicated on an information board with a 
map. (for example 
Would you map this? ...And then there's also copyright restrictions to consider.

> > [4] [ I would like to add this sentence: "If possible, sort the ways in a
> > logical order"]
> >
> I don't disagree with the sentiment, but I'm not sure "logical" clarifies
> anything.  The
> explanation at
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:route#Order_matters
> manages without it.

Thanks for pointing out that link. I'll use it in the text and adjust the 
current text.

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