On Sun, 18 Aug 2019 at 14:52, Joseph Eisenberg <joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com>

> landuse=meadow is also used for pasture, as mentioned on it's wiki
> page and description. Since it's not always obvious if grass is going
> to be grazed or cut for hay, it would often be difficult to tell the
> difference.

I didn't spot meadow.  Sure, that's fine.

I normally only use landuse=farmland for cropland, since the other
> times of agricultural land have more specific tags: landuse=farmyard
> for animal pens, barns, paddocks etc, landuse=orchard for orchards and
> plantations, landuse=vineyard for grape vines, landuse=meadow for
> pasture and meadow, landuse=aquaculture. Those tags cover everything
> except cropland, and fallow farmland, I think.

So how about landuse=arable for cropland and only have crop=* where the
mapper is certain it's monoculture and what the crop is?  Maybe
too, although I'm not certain that is useful.  That leaves landuse=farmland
for the situation where you're sure it's used for farming but can't tell
aerial imagery if it's meadow or arable or strawberries or...

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