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> On 5. Sep 2019, at 07:18, Joseph Eisenberg <> wrote:
> Should  amenity=music_school be in map features?

IMHO the term is not clear, speaking of Germany, we need at least 3 types of 
significantly different objects, which might be eventually be called music 

1. “Musikschule”(music school)  these are neither schools nor colleges, but 
places where children (and maybe adults) go to learn playing an instrument (or 
singing)(but they usually go there one hour a week, maybe also 2-3 times, but 
nowhere near the attendance of a college or school). They are somehow 
comparable to driving schools or dancing schools (leisure activity, generally 
no professional education, maybe driving schools (trucks, taxis, busses) 
somehow are professional education though?).

2. “Musikhochschule” (higher music education). These are conservatories/music 
academies, which may be considered a kind of college, similar to an arts 

3. “Musik-gymnasium” (music highschool). These are general schools specialized 
in music (e.g. you’d have 5 hours a week rather than 2). This is a subtype of 
general secondary education(amenity =school), like scientific and classical.

Cheers Martin 
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