On Wed, 11 Sep 2019 at 19:35, Yuri Astrakhan <yuriastrak...@gmail.com>

> One of the issues I frequently observed is that mappers keep trying to add
> a wikidata=... tag even when there is no perfect match. Having a
> part:wikidata or a similar tag would help those mappers - indicating that
> there is no perfect 1:1 match, but someone already looked at this specific
> object and found another item to be a partial match.

I got the impression part:wikidata (or is it wikidata:part?) was for
situations where two OSM
objects matched one wikidata item (better handled as a multipolygon and
adding the wikidata
to the multipolygon itself) or two wikidata items match a single OSM object
(better handled by
decomposing the OSM object into a multipolygon and adding wikidata to the
outers).  Now you
propose using this for fuzzy matching: it's sorta this wikidata item but
not really.  I think in situations
like that we should remove all associations to wikidata - otherwise it's
square peg/round hole.

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