On 17/09/19 04:11, Paul Allen wrote:

On Mon, 16 Sep 2019 at 18:25, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com <mailto:dieterdre...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    is "motorcar" a term that is common in British English?

Not much.

    How do you tag the generic bus class in Britain?

Is there such a thing?  There are buses which operate to a timetable and anyone may board or alight at specified stops (perhaps elsewhere at the driver's discretion).  There are coaches use for day trips and coaches for long distance.  All are classed by the UK gov't as PSVs
(as are taxis, minibuses and stretch limos).

    FWIW, the common term "bus" is already taken for buses acting as
    public service vehicles,

Except "PSV" doesn't mean what you think it means in the UK.  But I'm happy with how OSM uses the term bus, because that's how most people in the UK use it, and I think is what our
gov't calls a "registered local service."

    so there must be something else for the generic vehicle class for

There must?  Why?  I can't think of it.  There may very well be one, in common usage,
but it doesn't spring to mind.

    I am not insisting on "motorbus", but it seemed to fit with the
    rest of the terms, and it didn't seem to have specific meaning,
    which the currently documented "tourist_bus" obviously has.

There was a time when all buses were pulled by horses.

? Umm were they not coaches? Cobb & Co etc.
1700s on.
Oh  I found horsebuses were later.. 1824... humm never heard of them before.

Then along came Daimler, Otto
and others and eventually there were new-fangled motorbuses.  Proudly called motorbuses because they had a motor instead of being pulled by horses.  More time passed and horse-drawn buses became a rarity, and what were once called motorbuses were simply called buses.  Although horse-drawn buses are exceedingly rare, they would also fit into the generic, as yet unnamed, category that includes buses, coaches, minibuses, etc.
Motorbus is pretty much an archaism.

Since a bus and coach are extremes in terms of size and weight of PSVs, and look very similar from the outside, I'd be reasonably happy to accept access=bus as meaning both.  I can foresee the possibility that buses are allowed but coaches are not, but is it likely?  No doubt somebody will chip in with an example. Actually, I can think of one: an automatic vehicle barrier that opens if it detects a bus (local registered service) but not any other type of vehicle, so it would exclude coaches.  Yes, such a thing

Tourist coaches here deliver there passengers and then go elsewhere to park in the busy places. They cannot park in a regular 'bus stop' as those get used by the regular passenger services.

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