Am Do., 17. Okt. 2019 um 07:04 Uhr schrieb John Willis via Tagging <>:

> While Tagging Pachinko parlors in Japan, I came across a wiki
> documentation conflict.
> 2 different tags say that they are the proper ones to use when tagging
> pachinko parlors:
> Amenity=gambling wiki page says:
> > A place for gambling, not being a bookmaker, lottery shop, casino, or
> adult gaming centre.  Games that are covered by this definition include
> bingo and pachinko.
> <>

I am not sure this is a good definition in general. The tag
"amenity=gambling" is very generic and seems to include at least some of
those venues that are listed for exclusion, like casinos, adult gambling
centres. If all these already have their own tag, maybe a specific
amenity=bingo_hall would make more sense. It would also eliminate the
question whether bingo is gambling or not (although for me it would be

> Amenity=adult_gaming_centre says:
> > This tag is used for venues with gambling machines, such as slot
> machines.
> > Examples:  • Pachinko Parlors (Japan)
> <>
> Can someone who knows better clean up this mess?
> IMO, a bingo hall and Pachinko parlor are totally different. “Adult Gaming
> Center” seems to be the correct tag.
> A Pachinko machine is basically a slot machine. But Amenity=gambling might
> be the de-facto in-use tag already. I don’t know.

I am not personally familiar with pachinko, but if the question of win or
loss is not based on skill but on luck, and you can win money, it is quite
surely gambling.

> Also, how do you specify which games are offered? gambling=pachinko is in
> the wiki, but what about adult_gaming_centre? is gambling=* the default way
> to define what games are offered at such facilities? that seems to be vague
> or missing.

would seem reasonable to use "gambling=*" for all places where gambling is
offered, regardless of the "main" tag.

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