On 31/12/2019 15:27, Volker Schmidt wrote:
What's the difference between "metal" and "scrap metal". I would have thought any metal can be recycled (if the rightful owner is OK with that).
What am I missing?

It depends on the context I suspect.  If we're describing bins at the local tip, then the terms may well be pretty much synonymous. If you move a bit further up the value chain though there's definitely a difference - a company that is a steel stockholder may well be involved with recycling metals but will probably bristle at being described as a "scrap metal merchant"!

Any attempt to deprecate values is probably a bad idea.  If you look at https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=recycling etc. you can see that there's quite a lot of overlap between values, but I wouldn't worry about it.

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