Am Mo., 13. Jan. 2020 um 17:29 Uhr schrieb European Water Project <>:

> While I understand your point of view, many are trying hard to change
> legislation and might see it as more than a marketing gimmick but rather a
> right to be able to drink without generating single-use waste. Belgium,
> Luxembourg,  Switzerland and Italy are not obliged to serve tap water with
> a meal like in France where we live.

from a practical point of view, living in Italy, I have not yet encountered
a place that would have refused (free) tap water. Great thing about Italy
is that you can get free water in many places right on the street, from
drinking fountains 24/7. amenity=drinking_water is rank 5 on Italy's
taginfo stats, almost double the amount of petrol stations :)

In France, drinking_water is amenity rank 23, so rightfully your government
has found other ways to provide you with water ;-)

Not to get me wrong, I do agree there is benefit from political action, and
there are issues related to water. What also matters is the actual price
you have to pay for (bottled) water. It will always be completely unrelated
to drinking water prices, but while in Italy a bottle of water is typically
1 EUR (away from airports), or 2 EUR (in the restaurant, there are
exceptions), in Germany they will typically charge you 2,50 and more for
just a glass of water. In Switzerland, they sell water for 5 SFR a bottle
on the motorway, and 4 EUR and more is not unseen on German motorways as

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