I would like to formally request comments on the proposal for

"A place where motorcycle taxis wait for passengers"


In many countries, motorcycles for hire are much more common than
automobile taxis.

In these places, motorcycle drivers wait at stands, often with a small
shelter, and they can be hired to take one or more passengers to
various destinations. A fare is paid for a one-way trip. The passenger
usually rides behind the driver. In some countries two or even three
passengers can be carried on one motorcycle "taxi".

Motorcycle taxis are also known as "motos" or "bike taxi", or by other
local names, such as "ojek" here in Indonesia and in Singapore,
"boda-boda" in Uganda, and "okada" in Nigeria.

While some have proposed using amenity=taxi plus additional tags for
motorcycle taxi stands, this is quite confusing for travelers who
generally expect a "taxi" to be 4-wheeled motorcar capable of carrying
4 people and luggage. So a different tag is proposed to avoid
confusion and more precisely tag these features.

- Joseph Eisenberg

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