On 26/2/20 9:57 am, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:

On Wed, 26 Feb 2020 at 08:36, Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging <tagging@openstreetmap.org <mailto:tagging@openstreetmap.org>> wrote:

        But I have seen a few places on the map where a street motor
        race is held once a year, but they are mapped as a motor
        racing track, with a description "whatever race held the first
        weekend of October".

    Is it rarely used race track or is it normal road/field used once
    a year for racing?

    First should be taggable, in the second case I would probably
    delete it.

The cases I'm thinking of are normal city streets ~11 months of the year, which for 1 month are then closed off, fenced, painted etc for Formula 1 & similar high-level street-racing events, which will actually only last for ~4 days!

There is also the solar car 'race' from Darwin to Adelaide. Uses the normal road and is open to the public while the 'race' is on. Most of the 'track' is fixed as there is only really one road to use. There can be variations from year to year where there are alternatives but the vast majority of the 'circuit' is set in place.

The more I think about it an 'event' key looks to be a solution for those that want to map such things. Of course renders can chose what to do with such things as is their right, but mappers have a right to enter data? The data is verifiable, well known locally and significant at least locally and in some cases internationally.

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