> amenity=social_facility

Most  amenity=social_facility features are large "facilities" like a
homeless shelter or nursing home or hospice.

I don't think that tag is appropriate for a refrigerator.

-- Joseph Eisenberg

On 2/29/20, Jmapb <jm...@gmx.com> wrote:
> On 2/26/2020 4:32 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
>>> On 26. Feb 2020, at 08:56, Markus Peloso <mar....@outlook.com> wrote:
>>> The amenity=give_box tag is specific for sharing and reusing none food
>>> items. Please do not use it for food sharing
>> +1, although these are somehow similar features from a certain point of
>> view, they are also significantly different features from another point of
>> view. I am in favor of keeping a distinction on the main tag level.
> The give_box proposal specifically said that food sharing was *not* to
> be included in the give_box schema.
> I voted for that, but since then, with the proposal stalled, I ran into
> what I'd called a give box for "packaged food & personal care items."
> It's labeled "free pantry" but it's not just for food.
> https://i.imgur.com/UzhuIBo.jpg (Non-refrigerated, obviously. There were
> actually cans of food in here but not visible in this shot.)
> Also hiker boxes -- which were explicitly part of the give_box proposal
> -- often have food as well as clothing, gear, books, maps, and fuel. So
> maybe the prohibition of food in give_box isn't ideal.
> Regardless, though, I don't think a public refrigerator should be a
> subtag of give_box -- it's too distinct. I think
> amenity=public_refrigerator makes sense. Using amenity=social_facility
> plus a subtag would also be fine I guess.
> Jason
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