On Sat, Mar 07, 2020 at 11:29:02AM +0900, Joseph Eisenberg wrote:
> I appreciate the proposal authors for helping to simplify mapping bus
> routes.
> I agree that in many cases it would be correct to only include the bus
> stops or train platforms in the relation, especial for longer-distance
> routes, where the bus or train might take several different routes
> depending on traffic or other reasons
> However, there are also public transit services where the bus can stop
> anywhere along the route. This is the most common type of bus here in
> Indonesia. In this case there are no fixed stops except for the 2 end
> points, but the minibus follows the same streets and passengers can wave
> their hand or request a stop anywhere along the route.
> These routes, common in Asia, Africa and Latin America, should be mapped
> just as a set of ways.

Some flexibility might be good, like the possibility to specify some 
route segments. However I am not sure that it would add anything that can't be
done with via points quite easilly.

I would hate to get back to the point where every tiny way-piece has to be added
to the relation, including segments of roundabouts and nonsense like 
fixing the route to a particular lane/track if multiple are available just 
a way must be selected.


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