On Fri, Mar 06, 2020 at 10:07:08AM +0000, John Doe wrote:
> Stereo and I have been working on a schema that makes it easier to create and 
> maintain public transport route relations. We would like to invite feedback, 
> questions, and suggestions, so it can mature and hopefully gain widespread 
> use.
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Simpler_public_transport_route_relations

Very much like the possibility to map routes without specifying every 
single way segments.

One thing that seems hard to deduce is that eg buses take different routing 
depending on various policies. For example local buses in many places will 
enter a freeway because they may have standing passengers which restricts them 
to a maximum operating speed incompatible with the use of freeways.
Some use toll roads preferentially while others avoid them deliberately.


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