I suppose, now.  It seems to be gaining some traction, at long last.
When I floated it, it was not nearly as popular, largely because of
the way it tied into the flood of words exchanged between Adamant(some
digits) and stevea in various media. The discussion at the time shed
more heat than light.

I'm a little intimidated by the process, particularly the
administration of the vote (Who's a qualified elector? Who can serve
as scrutineer?) and the need to stitch the result into the Wiki.  Some
of what's needed for the latter seems to require knowledge of the
Wiki's templating conventions, which appear to be obscurely documented
at best, and with which I'm unfamiliar. (Also, it brings up unpleasant
memories. I've burnt my fingers on Wikipedia in the past.)

I've been hoping against hope that someone will help me with the
mechanics. I'm considerably better at data modeling than I am at

On Sun, Apr 5, 2020 at 12:39 AM Joseph Eisenberg
<joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Kevin,
> Would you have time to move this proposal forward?
> I've been looking at the protected_area classes, and there are several
> that are confusing and overlap with other features, especially
> protected_class = 7, 19, 21, 29, 97, 98, 99.
> And several are duplicates of more common tags:
> boundary=national_park (de facto) for protect_class=2
> boundary=aboriginal_lands (approved) for protect_class=24
> landuse=military + military= for protect_class=25
> I like the way your proposal has suggested changing these all to more
> memorable and intelligible words as values of "protection_class=",
> like "protection_class=recreation" instead of "21"
> -- Joseph Eisenberg
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73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

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