I copied the draft note to a wiki page ... to facilitate the discussion
regarding per key last update date meta data.


Best regards,


On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 11:56, European Water Project <
europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Martin,
> A date uses 3-4 bytes of memory. Just for brainstorming purposes, what
> would be the total database size inflation if all keys on all nodes, ways
> and relations in OpenStreetMap had 4 extra bytes of date meta data ?
> Best regards,
> Stuart
> On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 at 11:42, Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Am Mo., 6. Apr. 2020 um 10:13 Uhr schrieb Frederik Ramm <
>> frede...@remote.org>:
>>> Secondly, this is a problem shared by all the "last survey" approaches:
>>> You're standing the logic on its head. You're essentially saying: "If
>>> the object has NOT changed in reality, please DO change it in OSM" (by
>>> updating the last-checked tag). This means that we're being asked to
>>> switch from mapping changes to mapping non-changes, with a potentially
>>> huge data inflation in OSM (in theory I could update the "last survey"
>>> of my local supermarket every time I shop there...). Your idea to
>>> identify potentially fast-changing things and concentrate on these
>>> softens the impact but still, we'd be churning out new versions of
>>> objects like crazy just to confirm they are still there. (Everytime you
>>> make a little change to one of the object's 10 tags, a full copy of the
>>> object is created in OSM.)
>> I agree that the last survey date approach where "ordinary" tags are set,
>> are crazy. On the other hand, it seems to be a topic that a significant
>> number of contributors are interested in (currently ~710.000 tags for
>> this). To do it better, maybe it could be stored in parallel? There is this
>> long wish list for API 0.7 in the wiki ;-)
>> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.7
>> Likely it would not be something to be implemented in the next 10 years
>> or so, but at least it could be kept track of the idea and people could be
>> pointed to it...
>> There could be another table which stores for every tag on every object a
>> confirmation date (by explicit request, i.e. it would only be set when a
>> contributor explicitly sets it on a tag on an object, and when objects are
>> split these would have to be split as well).  This would imply that no new
>> object version is created for simple property confirmations that do not
>> alter the object.
>>> Thirdly, also shared by many "last survey" approaches: If you tag a
>>> restaurant with a last survey date then exactly what have you surveyed?
>>> Just that it is still there? That is still has these opening hours? Or
>>> that it still gives you free water? There's potential from confusion
>>> here.
>> yes, the last survey confirmations would have to be stored on tag level,
>> not on object level.
>> Cheers
>> Martin
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