
I would create a multipolygon for that. Wetland is something different
than a lake/pond.

For wetland the wiki says, that wetland areas contain "characteristic
vegetation that is adapted to its unique soil conditions" [0]. A lake
obviously doesn't (at least no land-vegetation like grass and bushes)
and this is why an area cannot be wetland *and* lake at the same time.
And this is why I consider a multipolygon to be correct.

There might be situations, where two different areas have to be on top
of each other (e.g. a wetland area within a forest where trees are
growing also within the wetland area?), but I thing most of the time
there's only one landuse that fits.

Of course there might be some discussion but I would consider a
multipolygon to be correct in your specific example.


[0] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dwetland

On 30.04.20 16:36, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
> Consider a wetland that contains a water body. I'm used to map that as
> natural=water inside natural=wetland - no multipolygon fanciness, just
> one on top of the other. JOSM validator complains about it, which irks
> me, so I opened a ticket at https://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/19171 -
> where mdk suggests that I may be doing it wrong...
> Is my simple way incorrect ? It feels correct to me because wetlands are
> complex objects - water bodies are part of them, cross them or partially
> overlap them. From a tagging point of view, it implies that some area is
> both natural=water and natural=wetland - I see no problem with that...
> But others might consider that a logical impossibility.
> So, which is the correct way: plain natural=water inside
> natural=wetland, or a natural=water multipolygon with natural=wetland on
> its inner ?
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