Hi Janko,

Thank you .. it is time to reduce our global reliance on single-use plastic
!  We are all ingesting 5 grams  each week .. in our fish, vegetables,
meat, and water .... etc ...

The people at Mapillary with whom I spoke see huge value in single-snap
images - with many possible applications. They also expressed interest in
having more Mapillary images linked to OSM objects. On the other hand, it
seems that single-snap images are just not a current management priority
due to other more pressing priorities.   This could change !

One idea discussed with Edouardo Neerhut was the creation of a separate AWS
S3 repository for single-snap images which could be linked to OSM objects.
Maybe some sort of non-profit OSM/Mapillary JV could be envisaged to take
advantage of some of Mapillary's technology for blurring faces and license
plates ..  ?    I have no idea where that idea will lead ..

Best regards,


On Fri, 5 Jun 2020 at 09:17, Janko Mihelić <jan...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020, 16:48 European Water Project <
> europeanwaterproj...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> While all three of them have shown enthusiasm, single-snap images are
>> just not a priority at this point for Mapillary.
> This is interesting. Did they say that they don't prefer single-snap
> images in the database, or that they aren't planning to put any effort into
> developing single-snap software?
>  Our goal is to move all our images to wikimedia commons.
> Aren't water fountains not notable enough for their database?
> I love your project!
> Janko
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