2020-07-21, an, 11:20 dktue rašė:
> Why do we need both variants and why don't we just say that
> waterway=riverbank is preferred?

  There is an original OpenStreetMap water schema with lakes as
natural=water, reservoirs as landuse=reservoir, riverbanks as
waterway=riverbank etc. It is a perfectly working schema.

  At some point there was a new schema proposed with a totally nerdy
motivation "to make some sql's simpler". That new schema has no
advantage in cartography, GIS or IT sense. It is totally NERDY. This
nerdy scheme was ignored in the beginning but then came the iD which
took a totally non-analytical and authoritarian attitude and not only
chose to support nerdy water schema, but even decided to support ONLY
it. And in recent year iD coders went even further and started lying
to its users that original OpenStreetMap water schema is "deprecated'
even when it never was.

  So this is the reason why we have two schemas. It is very
unfortunate that there is no way to prohibit such nonsense nerdy
schemas into OpenStreetMap :-(


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