This thread has been quite amazing to me. My impression is that it starts with 
some routers (a.k.a data consumers, a.k.a. “renderers”) treating a “no” as a 
“maybe” and now people are looking for a new term to indicate that “we really, 
really, mean NO!”. This is worse than tagging for the render, it is obsoleting 
a straight forward and explicit tag value for a broken renderer.

Discussion devolves into “if I disassemble by bicycle and put into wheeled 
luggage is it okay now?”.

Why not treat “no” as no? If I can push the bicycle through then we already 
have “dismount”.

Is there some other way of getting a bicycle through? If so, then come up with 
a new value for that (“disassembled”?).

In the meantime, file bug reports against any router that routes a bicycle over 
a “no”.

At least where I am, “no really means no” and if you are caught with a bicycle 
at all then you are subject to a fine. Thousands of kilometers of paths are so 
marked and it really wouldn’t be nice to redefine an existing value.


> On Jul 22, 2020, at 7:34 AM, Allroads <> wrote:
> <>
> Geen toegang:
> - met (brom)fietsen.
> No access:
> - with bicycles.
> This is written, grammatically and  orthographly, in a way, that the 
> "vehicle" is meant.
> explicit the bicycle no access.
> This is privat land, Staatsbosbeheer, owned or in control, all over the 
> Netherlands, you see these type of signs, arranged in the same way, the 
> layout.
> Mostly all of these roads/tracks path are permissive
>  <>
> - Fietsers op verharde fietspaden en wegen
> -Bicyclist on paved cycleway and roads.
> Here is written what is allowed.
> But more important:
> Overigens verboden toegang Artikel 461 W.v.S.
> Others prohibited access, article 461 Code criminal law.
> The word  “Overigens” means:  all the other which is not mentioned above on 
> the sign
> Not pushing a bicycle on a unpaved cyclway, path, tracks. So others then 
> “wegen” roads.
> A active Openmapstreet member got  a ticket for pushing his bike on a not 
> allowed “wegen” by a certified ranger (BOA) Community service officer.
> This sign with “Overigens”  of  the private organisation Natuurmonumenten, 
> you find them all over the Netherlands, with the same layout.
> ‘'
> bicycle=explicit_no sounds to me like "there is an explicit sign forbidding 
> this",
> Indeed.
> not "bicycle vehicle itself is prohibited, not just cycling".
> That sounds like bicycle=prohibited. :)
> ‘'
> Text on sign: “Overigens” and “- met fietsen”  "bicycle vehicle itself is 
> prohibited”
> I need a value .*=explicit_no for “the vehicle” or some other value that 
> means the same. “the bicycle is not allowed”
> This is for all kind of transportation and vehicles. Pushing carry/not 
> allowed.
> It seems highly strange that you wouldn't even be allowed to carry/push your 
> bike, are you sure that was what it meant?
> Do you have a picture of the sign?
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