On Tuesday 04 August 2020, Adam Franco wrote:
> It seems to me that the main underlying conflict is that (at least in
> the default Carto rendering on openstreetmap.org a few years ago) the
> Rio Plata was getting rendered as land at low-zooms and South America
> simply looks wrong when such a large water area is rendered as land.
> https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/issues/1604 is a
> very long issue thread [...]

That is old history.

OSM-Carto does not distinguish between rendering of riverbank polygons 
and rendering of the water polygons created from the coastline data.  
The only difference at the moment is that a (cartographically 
counterproductive) way_area filtering is applied to the riverbank and 
natural=water polygons.  That has been reduced significantly earlier 
this year in


but still distorts rendering to some extent.  It however is not relevant 
for large riverbank polygons like we discuss here.

As i have said earlier in this discussion it would be highly desirable 
for consistent mapping if we would actually distinguish different 
waterbody classes in rendering.  A change for that has been suggested 
last October:


was already merged but then reverted due to opposition from one of the 
maintainers.  There is a new suggestion to implement this:


but it seems still contested.  Getting this change merged and released 
would go a long way towards mappers developing consensus on coastline 
placement since it would provide feedback on the coastline position 
without favoring a particular placement.

Christoph Hormann

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