On Tue, 4 Aug 2020 at 16:27, David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:

The main problem with this is the retrofitting of the missing service=* tags
Unless we start a mega campaign to add service=* to all highway=service, we
will have to live with the actual situation for ever.
Some roads are "service" only and other roads are special "service" roads.
OSM is full of other examples of this tagging scheme. Adding afterwards
more specific tagging does not help at all, it only adds additional work fr
routers and renderers.
If we had started out with a clean scheme, yes, it would have been useful,
but now it is completely useless.

> # Parking Access
> There are already 2K examples of service=parking in use around the world (
> https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/service=parking), and while I
> can't claim to have done an exhaustive study, it appears that it is used
> for the purpose of the main driveways through a parking lot.

This is peanuts in comparison with the number of "naked" service roads that
connect parking lots.
Just to give you an idea:
Only in the city of Berlin, Germany, there are more than 8k parking lots
(and each should have a service=parking entry road) and there are 25k
"naked" service  roads.


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