How do I tag a bicycle lane (way.Type element on a mini-roundabout
(node-type element)?.

I would say cycleway=lane.

Remarkable enough no node with highway=mini_roundabout is currently
mapped with cycleway=* so you would be the first.

On why this is not common. I did do a Overpass query on
highway=mini_roundabout where the connecting ways have cycleway=* for a
bbox covering the Netherlands

.mras < ->.ws;["highway"] ->.result;
out meta;

I checked about 15 mini_roundabout's for which there is Mapillary
imaginary and there is no cycle lane at the mini_roundabout.

Thinking as cyclist this makes sense to me, on a small roundabouts (so
"small" roads) I like to drive more to the middle of the road so cars
are not temped to pass me.

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