A move to prioritize cartography is probably not easy and there are lots of challenges. But I think it can be much better than it is today.

I'm not too surprised that people in general would prefer google map with less information. The thing with cartography designed for paper is that it's extremely dense as you need to present all the information you can on a single page (you can't zoom), and being used to zoomable map seeing a map designed for paper can be a bit of a shock. Many of these government maps which are zoomable like your beautiful https://map.geo.admin.ch example is not actually a single map, but all the purpose-made maps at different scales, so each zoom level is meant to be used on its own, printed on paper.

Probably that is not how OSM should work, and here in Sweden the government maps are now starting to appear in zoomable vector format and they work a bit differently, and look a bit less dense. The information is there though. Personally I like the art of cartography so I like the look of those traditional dense maps, but I also understand that a digital map may need to be a bit different.

Here's an example of vector maps for Norway, Sweden and Finland as presented by a popular Swedish address lookup service:


They use government-provided data for all three countries. If you ask me I think it's a small step back compared to traditional cartography, example of that here:


But I understand it's a matter of taste, and in any case the less designed and more automatic vector maps is the future, and it's also more suitable presentation format for the OSM data.

However, if the community actually don't see that there is any problem with how the current OSM data is presented and do not want any change, so be it. I'm just a tiny part of the OSM community and I'm not here to tell what we as a whole should do, just voicing some opinions.

I am however a bit afraid that the community due to its size has become unable to make strategic decisions, and I do believe that if OSM continues to be stagnant (which to me as a semi-outsider it appears to be), it will lose its position and fall into being a niche product at least in the developed countries. I think for example that Google Maps will develop quite significantly in the coming decade, both in data density and presentation. I think there's a very real risk that they will replace OSM in many places OSM is strong today. That would be sad, but end users don't really care if it's an open license or Google owns it, as long it's "free" to them they go for the best map.

Locally here in Sweden we have the problem that OSM data is lacking in large parts of the country, combined with some strongly varying quality imports (imports is a whole other subject...), so we have a lot of mapping and fixing to do before we have a reasonable baseline, so it doesn't have a strong position today. OSM is still being used here as a side effect of international services using OSM, like facebook and various routing tools.

I personally use plotaroute for my bike rides, and that was actually how I got into being a mapper, I needed to fix the maps to be able to draw the route, I also like the fact that I can add off-road tracks which aren't really available in normal maps, plus responding immediately to rebuilds in the city (which happens a lot during recent years). But noone here uses OSM for car navigation, the map is not good enough and there are other maps that provide that with 100% coverage. 10 years ago good map data was very expensive here in Sweden, nowadays it's not the case (except for some special uses), so regular users just choose the best map, cost is not an issue. And the result has become that OSM is normally only chosen if it's the only map a specific service uses, and one needs to use that particular service. Or if one like me is a mapper, but I consider that to be a niche. I don't know anyone except myself that contribute to OSM here. With my ~10 days active per year I'm top 15 mapper in the country, which says that OSM is not a huge thing here.

In other words, I look at OSM from a perspective where it does not have a strong position today, and that it's free with open license unfortunately doesn't mean much here. The only thing that means something is the product the end user sees.


On 2020-11-07 12:47, Tomas Straupis wrote:
2020-11-07, št, 13:24 Anders Torger rašė:
However, and this is a big however, I think that the face of
openstreetmap really need to be a cartographic sound map.

  During personal meetings as well as during different presentations
in conferences I've been showing people two maps (one was google,
another one was swiss topo https://map.geo.admin.ch). Google is one of
the worst (from cartographic perspective) and Swiss topo is one of the
best (Generalisation book of Swiss cartographers is like a magic
book). And surprisingly (or not) a lot of people still prefer google
style maps (at least for on-screen maps where you can zoom). In this
year's SOTM Baltic the audience was split roughly 50/50 between
google/swiss topo. So it is not clear which is better even if we do
not think about technical difficulties.

And howcome did I not even know about this cartographic project of yours?

  Because it only covers Lithuania, because it is done as part of
Lithuanian fellowship of cartographers, not international.

I assume that many, perhaps most, casual mappers use the web editor.

  Most edits are done with the main OSM editor which is - JOSM.

really impressed with the web editor, it's great and is mostly

  And is very prone to damage good data. We (in Lithuania) encourage
everybody to switch away from iD as soon as possible.

  Also note that cartographic style needs even more stuff, not only
hardware and ideas (most generalisation tasks are not solved because
algorithms are not designed/crystalised, coding is the least of the
problems). In order to do good cartography you would have to agree on
a much stricter use of tags and sometimes push some things into
tagging which a lot of participants of this mailing list could
disagree - for example road network hierarchy. Fuzzy features (like
continents, mountain ranges, bays etc. should probably be moved to a
separate database).

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