Proposal page:

Fire lookouts are structures used by firefighting personnel to spot wildfires 
and monitor them as they develop. Lookouts are usually built on high vantage 
points in the wilderness, and staff often live on site during the fire season.

This proposal suggests introducing two new tag values: building=fire_lookout to 
indicate that a building is or was originally built to be a fire lookout, and 
emergency=fire_lookout to indicate that a feature (usually a building=* or 
man_made=tower) is used for fire spotting.

Note that fire lookouts are sometimes but not always towers, and thus a new 
tower:type=fire_lookout tag wouldn't be an appropriate way to map them. 
Additionally, some lookout structures are historic and no longer used for fire 
spotting, and some non-lookout structures are used for fire spotting (such as 
towers), hence the need for two tags.

This is my first OSM proposal. I'm excited to hear your feedback!


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