
A group of friends were discussing the first electricity power link between Germany and Belgium. And I was kinda proud to show them this <http://overpass-turbo.eu/?q=LyoKVGhpcyBoYcSGYmVlbiBnxI1lcmF0ZWQgYnkgdGhlIG92xJJwxIlzLXR1cmJvIHdpemFyZC7EgsSdxJ9yaWdpbmFsIHNlxLBjaMSsxIk6CsOiwoDCnHBvd8SSPWzEusSeb3IgxYvFjXI9Y2FibGXFiMKdCiovCltvdXQ6anNvbl1bdGltZcWmxagyNV07Ci8vxI_ElMSdxZRyZXN1bHRzCigKICDFuyBxdcSSxJrEo3J0IGbFkzogxYjFisWMxY7FkG7FnsKAxaDGi25vZGVbIsWWxJIiPSLGn2UiXSh7e2LEqnh9fSnFucaLd2F5xqnGq3LGrcavxZHGssa0xrbGuMa6xrzGiiDGgWzElGnFrMeCxp3HhMauxrDHiMa1xrdvxrnGu8a9xozFvMaPxpHFlcSwxpXGl3LGmcabx4PFmcWbxZ3Fn8eOxqXGp8eVxZfHhcWaxZzGscazx5vHi8efx47Gv8eBxqrHlse2x67HuceJx5zHnseNxovHkMeSx5TIgce1xq7Ht8Wdx5rHisedx4zFuceNxo1wxLduxpXGgcaDxoXGh8W0xJjGpnnFuT7Fuciic2tlxL1xdDs&c=BMQ-MfkYtJ&R> where the only line across the border <http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/578137663> clearly shows.
Well done, guys (and gals?)!

    Way 578137663 <http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/578137663>

      Tags 7

  * cables=1
  * circuits=1
  * frequency=0
  * location=underground
  * name=Alegro Interconnector
  * power=cable
  * voltage=320000

Their concern was interstate power transfers and a maximum of 7,5 GW was mentioned (more than the 6 GW Belgian deprecated nuclear capacity, effectively running at 4,5 GW). So then I was surprised that a power cable or line does not indicate that power. I looked trough the wiki and all I found as power was an unsuitable generator:rating:... So, as power:power=* seems weird, I added /power:maximum=7.5 GW/, allowing for power:mean=* or he like.
As I don't want to get into propositions, I let specialists discuss that.
Let me know if and how I should change that tag.

Envoyé de mon immobile Thunderbird, et *sans virus* non plus grâce à seulement Ubuntu,

All the best,


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