On Wed, 9 Dec 2020 at 16:53, Brian M. Sperlongano <zelonew...@gmail.com>

> I think there may be other hazard warning signs in that document for you to
>> consider.
Many of the signs on that list are already described by other tags.

It's a list of all warning signs, not merely hazards.  But there are quite
a few hazard signs in there.

> Are there specific signs you feel are missing from the hazard key?

I didn't do a full comparison.  I was kinda hoping you would, seeing as you
probably remembered which ones you'd added to your proposal.  Some
of them are debatable as to whether or not existing tagging is
adequate.  Here are the ones that I think are worth considering:

   - Opening or swing bridge ahead
   - Steep hill
   - Trams crossing ahead
   - Level crossing without barrier or gate
   - Frail (or blind or disabled) pedestrians crossing
   - Pedestrians in road ahead [no sidewalk]
   - Overhead electric cable
   - Sharp deviation of route
   - Ice
   - Hidden dip

I wouldn't have thought the ice hazard needed mentioning, if it weren't
for the plot of a Jack Reacher novel.  Some bridges can ice over sooner
than the rest of the road even when icing doesn't seem much of a risk,
and that may be a problem other than on bridges.  Depending on climate,
such a warning may be present year-round.

One not covered there is the warning that a route is unsuitable for long
vehicles.  There are a few minor roads near me like that.  Drive a long
vehicle along them and (at best) you have a long reverse or (at worst)
you get stuck.

Also, in the UK, the sign for unexploded ordnance is the same as you
have for minefields.  That symbol first appeared in UK Defence Standard
05-34, Marking of Service Matériel, and was called (bizarrely) "Unexploded
explosive ordnance" (if it has exploded it would no longer be explosive,
and if it's explosive then it must be unexploded).  In old money it
would have been called "unexploded bomb."

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