On Fri, 11 Dec 2020 at 07:41, Brian M. Sperlongano <zelonew...@gmail.com>

>> Services often cross functions; for example, the US Army operates air
>>> fields[2].  Tagging this military_service=army would be accurate, but would
>>> not convey that this is an air force base, but not an Air Force base.
>>> To get around all of this, we should tag military bases with their
>>> function/component rather than solely grouping them by service owner.  For
>>> the example[2], the base could conceivably be tagged something like:
>>> name=Wheeler Army Airfield
>>> landuse=military
>>> military=base
>>> military_service=army
>>> military_function=air
>>> operator=United States Army
>>> I went with military_function over military_component in this example.
>>>  "Component" is the more typical term in military doctrine but "function"
>>> is probably better understood by mappers.
>>> military_function could include: ground/land, air, maritime, space,
>>> law_enforcement, logistics ... etc as needed to cover military organization
>>> in different countries.
Yes, possibly _function, although this is where _branch could also come in?

Ground/land, air/aviation & maritime/naval all seem pretty well
interchangeable, space is ready for the future & we should also include
amphibious & probably Staff / Command / Headquarters for somewhere like
this place: https://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/89605! Currently
office=military & also office+government (together with building=public?),
so would become landuse=military + military=base +
military_service=joint_forces + function/branch="command" - sound good?

I don't think we'd need to drill down further into what "type" of unit it
is (Armour, Artillery, Engineers, MP etc) as that will just introduce a
whole realm of further confusion, especially if it's being done by
non-Military mappers, plus which I also still have some security concerns
about identifying things too accurately‽

Having both aspects gives mappers in different countries the flexibility to
>>> combine service and functional aspects of military bases to create a more
>>> accurate tagging.  In addition, from a data consumer, there is a difference
>>> between "show me all the air force bases" and "show me all of the military
>>> air bases".
Yes, I'm now seeing what you mean, especially after relating it to
Holsworthy, but still trying to visualise how it would work, especially for
somewhere like that, that has both ground forces & also aviation on the
same base? Another prime example would be

As a general rule, I think just "army base" is sufficient for a
> hypothetical multi-function base occupied by an army service. However, I
> note from Wikipedia's discussion of that base:
> "Holsworthy Barracks (ICAO: YSHW) is an Australian Army military barracks
> [...] is part of the Holsworthy military reserve, which is 22,000-hectare
> (54,000-acre) training area and artillery range for the Australian Army,
> [...] Holsworthy Military Airport is also located in the reserve."
> It calls out "Holsworthy Barracks", "Holsworthy military reserve", and
> "Holsworthy Military Airport" as separate places.  Wikipedia seems to think
> these are different things, and it seems like we should have tagging that
> can describe the differences.  "Holsworthy Military Airport" sounds like a
> perfect example of an army base that is performing air component
> functions.

Yep, agree with you entirely! Rather than just being tagged
landuse=military + military=barracks as it is now, the whole area should be
landuse=military, with the built-up area being military=base, the airfield
military=airfield, & the bush military=training_area + military=range +
military=danger_area! - can we mark all three on one area?

Don't take this as criticism, as I fully support the proposed
> military_service tag.

Don't worry, I'm not! This is all great stuff, as it helps to make sure we
get it right from the start, rather than realising several years later that
we really should have ... :-( Got to say, though, that going through the
existing 9000, I'm thinking probably mostly incorrect, military=barracks is
going to be a *bbbiiiggg* job! - MapRoulette challenge perhaps?

But -- I can already envision the mis-tagging that may occur the first time
> a mapper encounters a military base that "quacks like a cow" and goes to
> the wiki and there isn't an obvious way to tag these differences beyond the
> "name" tag.  We have an opportunity here to make the tagging more fully
> descriptive to indicate both the service that operates a base as well as
> the overall military purpose for bases that are specialized.

I did mention earlier in reply to one of the comments that (previously
base=) military_service=yes / unknown would be OK if you can't work out
what's in there, so that should hopefully cover that problem?


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