On Sun, 20 Dec 2020 at 02:00, St Niklaas <st.nikl...@live.nl> wrote:

> Your text or proposal seems to be focused on modern times.

 Yes, that's right, as it's intended for current, active, military
establishments only.

Since every town (vesting) or fortress (fort) has its own barracks in the
> past

Yes, but they are (usually) no longer a military area, so to my mind
shouldn't be mapped as landuse=military?

I did earlier raise the question of how to deal with historical sites such
as the ones you pointed out?

"Ex-military bases, now often either historical precincts / tourist
attractions / possibly ruins only eg Fort Lytton
https://fortlytton.org.au/ & many more similar worldwide. They were, but
are not now military areas, so how should we tag them?
museum + tourist attraction + was:landuse=military + was:military=base, or
ignore all reference to "military"?"

We could also include "historic=fort"
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:historic%3Dfort but that also says
"a military fort: a stand-alone defensive structure which differs from a
castle in that there is no permanent residence. There may have been
temporary housing for the crew", which I have some issues with?

(& I can already hear Paul saying just because it's old doesn't necessarily
make it historic! :-))


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