A commenter on the reservoir proposal[1] pointed out the existence of
quarry lakes[2], which is a lake that is formed after a quarry has been dug
after a mining operation.  It was suggested that such bodies of water
should be tagged separately from other lakes with a tag such as

Should quarry lakes be tagged under a separate value from water=lake?

Should quarry lakes be tagged as a subset of lake, something like
water=lake + lake=quarry?

If there is consensus that quarry lakes should be excluded from water=lake,
obviously that impacts how water=lake is defined.

Existing usages:
water=quarry_lake: 37
water=quarry: 27
water=Quarry: 18
lake=quarry: 1

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Reservoir
[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quarry_lake
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