Oct 12, 2022, 16:23 by marc_m...@mailo.com:

> Le 12.10.22 à 13:15, Sebastian Martin Dicke a écrit :
>> If there is an aircraft standing on an airstrip which has been 
>> decommissioned yesterday (or thirty minutes ago), is it considered properly 
>> to tag them as historic=aircraft?
> I think it depends on the history of the object :
> if the last Concorde [1] had been treated in this way, I think
> it would have been possible to consider it as historical from the
> first minute of its immobilisation, a page of history is turned
> after years of supersonic commercial flight, it is history.
> On the other hand, a single aircraft with no history other than "we don't 
> need it anymore" is not historic, neither now nor in 10 years,
> it is at best a decoration
> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concorde
note that in actual mapping any such decommissioned vehicle
gets historic=vehicle (or historic=tank or similar)

Yes, that goes contrary to theoretical definition of historic=* key
desired by some. 

And it does not really seem incorrect to tag all old tanks as historic=*
(the same goes for locomotives, planes and so on).

If someone really dislikes it they can start using/promoting
or maybe https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/man_made=tank 
(and cleanup cases where it was used for man_made=storage_tank)
or maybe other tag.
Or accept current tagging as survivable.
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