Am 11.10.22 um 14:17 schrieb Marc_marc:

I find that advices about multiple values have inaccuracies
between several pages :

Properties can have a large number of possible values
my reading : key=yes/no value aren't a propertie, it's the value for
another key (for ex asia=yes/no is not a good idea, it's a value for

2) Properties can have a large number of possible values
key with only =yes/no value aren't a propertie, it's the value
for another key

Just want to emphasize that boolean values are really useful and
necessary - and in use without being questioned. If you have a property
that has the character of a set of features out of a quite small finite
set, which exist simultaneously, then you have two possibilities: Using

or split that into feat1=yes; feat3=yes; feat4=yes; feat9=yes.

Depending on defaults you could simplify in the second method: if
feat1,2,3 are yes by default, the tagging could be: feat2=no; feat9=yes.

This is the theory, in reality you have it for example in: bicycle=yes
and foot=yes and so on.

I think the first method is more error prone and more difficult to
maintain. If I check an object just for some aspects it's easier to edit
just these aspects. And the evaluation can focus on the features of
interest instead of parsing through more complicated tags. (Still
computers work on 0s and 1s!).

If you look at the sometimes complicated discussions about the access=*
tags, you can clarify things in cases of doubt easily with additional
boolean tags without checking wikipages (often with conflicting
definitions in different languages) for the default meanings.

It depends very much on the things you want to describe (and the clarity
of the main tag), which tagging scheme you choose. (bicycle=yes is clear
for highway=*, but very unclear for e.g. tourism=artwork,
artwork_type=sculpture, even if the sculpture is a bicycle).

Cheers, Sebastian

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