On Sat, Jan 7, 2023 at 3:57 PM Martin Koppenhoefer <dieterdre...@gmail.com>

> I have no idea about the situation in France, but there definitely is
> fragmentation in OpenStreetMap channels (slack, telegram, forum, ml, irc,
> facebook etc.) - it is not necessarily a problem.

It is not a problem, but, for the purpose of considering places that an OSM
community member *must* post forum proposals, we can really only consider
the ones that are the OSMF-hosted free-as-in-speech options. So despite the
fact that I can chat on Slack, Discord, or call up my friend on the phone
to talk about OpenStreetMap, those spaces are not really relevant to the
discussion. Of course, proposals are frequently shared on those other
forums as well, and that's a good thing when people are
engaging, regardless of the medium.

E.g. I’m on talk-de and the German forum, and while the former has much
> fewer traffic nowadays, it is still a place where you can expect to
> generally see relevant and important information

Hence why posting to both venues is an appropriate choice.
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