On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 4:23 AM Walker Kosmidou-Bradley <
walker.t.brad...@gmail.com> wrote:

>  I understand that having tagging like this does not benefit you, but does
> it hurt you? If it doesn’t hurt you and it may help somebody else is there
> a problem?


Let's make sure we're talking about the same thing.  9 days ago, TomTom
made an out of the blue announcement on the US community forum that they
were posing a MR challenge to tag surface on highway=motorway highways with
missing surface tags in California.  Not any other highway class, not
residential, not tracks or paths, not unclassified, or primary or trunk.
**motorway**.  The tag highway=motorway is a paved, controlled-access road
**by definition** and **anywhere in the world that it appears**[1]. That's
very different from other classes of road which may be paved or unpaved in
different places based on regional conditions or tagging.

Since asking people to run around and tag surface=paved on all motorways is
silly, I asked what I thought was a very reasonable question -- does TomTom
care about whether motorways are paved or unpaved? (this would be silly) or
does TomTom care about whether motorways are concrete or asphalt? (probably
not very important but at least would not be an implied default). If they
cared about *the type of paved*, then the MR challenge should also include
existing surface=paved -- but that's not what they're asking for, they're
asking to tag surface attributes where they're missing.

When pressed on this point, and asked what they were trying to accomplish,
instead of giving a proper answer, the response[3] was a non-answer of:

"I don't sense a consensus yet on the approach of using Paved versus a
specific surface value. Would you prefer that I make the challenge Not
Discoverable until there's time to conclude the discussion?"

I am asking for TomTom to be straight with us and answer why they're so
gung ho about missing surface tagging on motorways. Despite the negative
reaction in the US, it seems that they're intent on spamming this nonsense
challenge worldwide, and they *refuse to answer why they're asking the
community to focus on this*.

Now of course, anyone can just ignore these challenges (and so far that's
what's happened), but Casper's discussion from The Netherlands should give
us pause. I would not be in favor of adding `surface=paved` on all motorway
segments because this is an implied default. If TomTom is interested in the
difference between concrete and asphalt motorways (or any other value that
might exist in the world), then please say so.  It would also be a common
courtesy to tell us a little bit about what you're doing so that we can
understand why we should care. I'm rather offended that after TomTom
received pushback on their initial attempt at this in the US, they just
took the exact same request elsewhere.

[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dmotorway
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