Triggered by this StreetComplete quest suggestion:

I was wondering how people would prefer to tag tactile paving which is often 
at bottom and top of the `highway=steps` (pictures in link above)?

It seems to me `tactile_paving=*` would be best added at a start and end
node of that `highway=steps` way (i.e. similar to how it is mapped on `kerb=*`
for crossings) as it is most precise, but there seems to be some 28k+ uses
(according to
of marking `tactile_paving=*` at the `highway=steps` *way* itself. 

I can se how that would be easier, but seems somewhat incorrect (as the tactile
paving does not follow that way, as it often does `highway=footway`).

So, which people prefer?

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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