Hi Robin.  I'm away on vacation for the rest of the week, but if nobody
gets a chance to look at this issue before then, I'd be happy to take a
look at it early next week.

Thanks for the message,


On Thu, 9 Aug 2001, Robin Mannering wrote:

> I've been using the input library for some time and it's great but I've come
> across one problem though recently which concerns select/drop down options.
> The drop down will have the relevant entry selected only when it receives a
> new request object (via a response.sendRedirect/form submission/hyperlink).
> I have an MVC frontend in place that forwards using a RequestDispatcher
> (rather than redirecting) and although the relevant values are in place in a
> querystring, the drop down list does not 'remember' its chosen option.  For
> example I do something like this.....
> RequestDispatcher rd = null;
> rd = getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher(originatingPageView +
> "?statusFlag=T");
> Text boxes and text areas in the same form repopulate correctly but drop
> downs do not.
> If I do
> request.sendRedirect(originatingPageView + "?statusFlag=T");
> it works fine ?????!!???
> Have anyone got any ideas on  a fix for this. I haven't tested radios or
> checkboxes yet though. I can't do redirects as I am sometimes storing object
> in the request object via request.setAttribute()
> Cheers
> Robin

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