On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Lavandowska wrote:

> What do you expect to happen to the current taglibs that handle these
> functions in the Jakarta-Taglibs project?  Are these new JSTL tags
> related in any way to the existing taglibs?

In general, JSTL's tags have been informed by "best-of-breed" products,
both from Jakarta Taglibs and from specific vendors.  In the case of the
SQL tags, I think it's accurate to say that JSTL's database tags were
influenced more by Jakarta Taglibs than any commercial source.  Still, as
a standard, JSTL doesn't have as much flexibility to experiment as does
Jakarta Taglibs:  in some cases, this can lead to better defined, but
perhaps fewer, "features."

To answer your question about what'll happen, that's mostly up to Jakarta
Taglibs committers, who will likely decide how to proceed based on what's
best for the Taglibs user community.  (Input from taglibs-user would be
very valuable, in this respect!)  This decision can certainly be made on a
case-by-case basis.  Ideally (from my personal viewpoint), all Jakarta
Taglibs packages would take JSTL into account in some respect... either by
integrating explicitly; offering "add-ons" for specific, nonstandard
cases; offering an alternative interface -- e.g., higher- or lower-level
abstractions -- for the subset of users that prefer it; etc.


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