On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Wolfgang Röckelein wrote:

> BTW: Where should we provide input to the EL discussion? Is this
> discussion public?

It can be discussed informally here.  More formally, the subject has now
been taken up by the JSR-152 group, so I should defer to Eduardo
Pelegri-Llopart and Mark Roth (the spec leads) in describing how they're
prefer community feedback on the EL.  My guess is that the


feedback alias would work.

> Does the ECMA implementation support all scopes that SPEL supports:
> page, request, session, app, header, param, paramvalues?

No, I think the current ECMAScript implementatino supports only scoped
attributes (page, request, session, and app).  The final EL will most
likely support more than this, though.

> Regarding the question regarding "and, or, not" on
> http://jakarta.apache.org/taglibs/doc/standard-doc/spel/spel.html: I
> think this depends on the goal of the JSTL in whole: Should there
> still be normal to use Java code in JSP or is the aim that most Java
> code should be replaced with tag lib usage? If the later is the goal,
> the EL needs not only boolean operators but eg math and string
> operators, too.

Excellent point; I agree with this too.  My sense is that there's
consensus on this issue from others debating the topic, too.

> BTW: Are you sure that the core-rt version of "if" works? I never
> succeeded in getting the body evaluated, even with test="1==1"...

It works for me:

  <crt:if test="<%= 1==1 %>">
    1 does indeed equal 1, interestingly enough

If you're still having trouble with it, let us know; please show the
entire JSP page and include info about what container you're using.


Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library" (Manning, upcoming)  http://jstlbook.com

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