On Thu, 14 Mar 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> - For I18N, the "Parametric Replacement" and "Date" example gives me
>   javax.servlet.ServletException: Unparseable date: ""

I'll let Jan answer this if he gets a chance, since he's more qualified to
answer I18N-related questions than I am.

> - Also, for the Import, the "Encode" examples make no difference, I get
>   ABC abc 
>   123 123 
>   & & 
>   JSTL is fun JSTL is fun
>   Doesn't look really different IMHO
> I'm sorry if these are dummy questions :-)

No, this is a great question.  The answer is that on Tomcat, the <c:url>
tag won't rewrite the URL (to add a session) unless it needs to.  "Needs
to" is defined through a number of criteria, but the notable one is that
if your browser supports cookies, it won't do the rewriting.  (It simply
doesn't need to.)

I've also seen reports that a recent version of Tomcat had some trouble
with the HttpServletResponse.encodeURL() method, which would also cause
problems for <c:url>.  But I don't know offhand the version where it's

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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