On Fri, 15 Mar 2002, RAYMOND Romain wrote:

> I'd like to pass a parameter to method called within the forEach tag.
> This method have to initialize the collection used by forEach. And
> this parameter is retrieved throught a request.getParameter()...
> We can do it using JSTL c-rt.tld but we would like to do it using the
> c.tld taglib. This to improve our tests an mainly to simplify the end
> user interface creation ...

Currently, the JSTL expression language doesn't support method invocation.
The JSR-052 expert group is currently considering adding it, but there are
many who don't think it's necessary.  Instead of making the JSTL
expression language more like Java, the thought is that you could provide
custom tags in cases where this functionality is absolutely necessary.  
Or you could expose a Map instead of an object that requires a parameter.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on whether you really need method
invocation in the EL.  Was it just the first way that occurred to you of
using JSTL to fit with a legacy application, or do you see it as a
substantive, long-term need?

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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