On Mon, 18 Mar 2002, John Baker wrote:

> I have a lot of this going on in my jsps:
> if (something) {
>    // Some error message
>   return;
> }
> Is there a way of supporting this without using embedded tags, ie:
> <c:if test="!something">
>       <c:if test="!somethingElse">
>               then do something
> Cheers!

I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're asking.  You can currently

  <c:if test="${not something and not somethingElse}">

and familiar boolean operatings (e.g., "&&" for "and", "||" for "or") will
likely be added to the EL before it's done.

If you're asking whether or not JSTL has a tag that aborts the current
page, the answer is currently "no."

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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