I'm trying the following with no luck...

<c:forEach var="artist" items="<% playlist.getMP3Artists() %>">
<jsp:useBean id="artist" type="String" />
<OPTION value="/jsp/view?artist=<%= artist %>"><%= artist %></OPTION>

And what it produces is this

<OPTION value="/jsp/view?artist=<% playlist.getMP3Artists() %>"><%
playlist.getMP3Artists() %></OPTION>

So it's not evalutating the expersion, and I am using the c-rt.tld


[  Julia Anne Case  ] [        Ships are safe inside the harbor,       ]
[Programmer at large] [      but is that what ships are really for.    ]
[   Admining Linux  ] [           To thine own self be true.           ]
[ Windows/WindowsNT ] [ Fair is where you take your cows to be judged. ]

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