On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Thomas Colin de Verdiere wrote:

> why is the Jstl jsp1.2 compliant ?

Because we figured that making it depend on JSP 1.3 would limit its
usefulness, at least before JSP 1.3 comes out.  :-)

Of course, I assume your question is really, "Why not JSP 1.1?"  It's a
good question.  There are a few technical answers:

 - Certain features, and certain behaviors required for consistency,
   depend on the TryCatchFinally interface in JSP 1.2.
 - JSP 1.2 supports more efficient iteration, which is a cornerstone
   feature of JSTL.
 - Translation-time validation also improves efficiency and
   "knowability" of pages.
 - JSP 1.2 clarifies the lifecycle of tag-handler instances.

and probably a few other specific points that I'm forgetting.  Beyond the
specific technical reasons, JSP 1.2 has been out for about six months now,
and we didn't want to limit ourselves to JSP 1.1's set of features and
specified behaviors.

Shawn Bayern
Author, "JSP Standard Tag Library"  http://www.jstlbook.com
(coming this summer from Manning Publications)

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