Shawn said:
"As a supplemental bit of info, JSTL's <x:parse> tag does not validate
against DTDs.  So Ben, JSTL may suit you for this task."

This concerns JSTL, though it doesn't sound so at first, so just run with it
for a minute.

As I've mentioned earlier, I'm running Tomcat 3.2.3, and I've not been able
to run Tomcat 4.0.4 with Apache 1.3.20 because I don't have Glibc 2.2.  I
have everything configured as it's supposed to be (according to an article I
read at,
but when I restart Apache I get the Glibc 2.2 error--but this is only due to
my use of mod_webapp.

Now, in a previous post, Shawn said that Tomcat 4.x "also works with mod_jk,
so I don't think difficulties with mod_webapp need slow you down."  I can't
figure out how to do this without specific directions since I'm not exactly
a server technician.

My question: Can I use JSTL with Tomcat 3.2.3 (JSP 1.1)?  If not, can you
point me to a good, step-by-step tutorial to configure Tomcat 4.0.4 with
Apache 1.3.20 using mod_jk?  I guess the reason I'm having so many problems
trying to figure out how to use mod_jk with Tomcat 4.x is that mod_jk is
automatically generated everytime Tomcat is restarted in our version.  I'm
not sure how to set up mod_jk with 4.x to auto generate... or whatever it's
supposed to do, if it's supposed to do that.  And where can I get mod_jk for
version 4.x?


Ben Ramsey
Technical Director
EUREKA! Interactive, Inc.

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