> Section A.3.4 of the specification talks about using the "[]" operator to
> access maps.  From this, you can see that your EL expression would be
> "${preferredNames[staffMember]}".  If you're using Struts-EL, you can just
> use that as your "value" value on your "html-el:text" element.

I can't use the html-el tag for this, because then Struts wants to
pre-populate the text box and will complain that there are no
getJunk/getJunk methods in my ActionForm.  If I could figure out how to make
something that *looks* like a text-box (with CSS?), I'd do that instead.
But lacking that knowledge, a read-only text box is what I'm using.

Thanks for the syntax help.  Looks like I need the c:out tag:

<input type="text" name="junk" readonly="readonly" size="50" 
      value="<c:out value="${preferredNames[staffMember]}"/>"/>

(This is starting to look like Perl!)

Wendy Smoak 

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