On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, Henri Yandell wrote:

> Out of interest, I wonder if most of the people who hit this problem
> only want access to the name of the column? And then a smaller group
> simply want the type?
> [not that I recall if jstl offers this or not].

JSTL offers the name but not the type.  (At least, not the "type" in JDBC
terms; you can always get the Java object type with '.class'.)

> Is it possible to offer a subset of the info in the metadata without
> crashing into all the pain?

Sure.  Offering name in JSTL 1.0 seemed like a suitable "inflection
point"; it's possible that more could be offered in the future if it's not
problematic and if there's a compelling reason to.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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