On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, aps olute wrote:

> May I bother you with specifically which JSTL class API I should use? 

Sure - it's no bother.

> Is it javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql?

Yes - that's the package, and ResultSupport is the class.

> But then am back to scripting or java coding and not really using JSTL
> tags?

Right - but JSTL tags aren't meant, in most cases, to be the *only* code
in an application.  They're just meant to be the presentation code.  In
this case, you'd just be setting up some data (e.g., in a listener,
filter, or servlet) for the purposes of presentation.

> Any equivalent tags I can use?

It's possible that something could be added in a future version of JSTL,
but JSTL doesn't have any support for ResultSet at this point.  One
possibility is to add a function that converts a ResultSet to a Result
object (and perhaps also closes the ResultSet).

> Btw, I was looking at your book yesterday and can not find a sample on
> it. The closest one is using <sql:query> tags and then use
> <c:forEach>, but I already have Bean like CachedRowset, am still lost.

Right - I don't cover it because it's not in JSTL.  :)  See, however,
chapter 14 and appendix B for examples of ResultSupport.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.jstlbook.com

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