
I'd like to post this to the mailing list to see if
I'm making a mistake or it's a know problem before I
add it to the bug database.

Ref: DBTAGS taglib displaying request SQL when second
request on the same page returns no results.

Please consider the following section of JSP:

<sql:statement id="stmt1" conn="conn1">
  <sql:query>select * from people</sql:query>
  <sql:resultSet id="rset1">Count </sql:resultSet>

<sql:statement id="stmt2" conn="conn1">
  <sql:query>select * from jobs</sql:query>
  <sql:resultSet id="rset2">Notice </sql:resultSet>

This appears to work fine (printing "Count" for each
entry in the "people" table and "Notice" for each
entry in the "jobs" table) as long as there are any
entries in the "jobs" table. If the "jobs" table is
empty then it still prints the number of "Count"s
correctly but instead of displaying no "Notice"s it
displays "select * from jobs".

This has been tested with the nightly build of DBTAGS
taglib as well as the 1.0 release.

This has also been tested using a non-empty database
with a "WHERE" clause which also returned no results.
Ie if "select * from jobs where (firstname="David")"
returned no results the SQL request will still be

Can anyone else duplicate this problem?


David Durant.

I'd start the revolution - if I could just get up in the morning...
-- Amiee Allen

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