On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Alejandra De Leon wrote:

> Hi! Thanks for answering about c:foreach. Now I' m trying to find
> someone at caucho.com to answer my questions.
> I have a problem with c:out when I try to display a string with
> special caracters. When I put algo†s as the value of the c:out it
> displays & insted & and the browser didn't recognize this. I have
> to used the code because I'm using netscape.
> Is there a way to scape special caracters or to avoid this kind of
> automatically convertion?

To avoid the automatic conversion, use the attribute 'escapeXml="false"'
in the <c:out> tag.

You might want to read through the JSTL standard or pick up a book on
JSTL; it'll help with basic features like this.  Best,

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.manning.com/bayern

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