On Thu, 6 Feb 2003, Vinay wrote:

> Hi All,
>     How can I define counters using Struts EL tag libraries for
> printing purposes in JSP pages

It looks like you're really asking about JSTL tags, not Struts.

You can use <c:set> to increment a variable, as in

 <c:set var="counter" scope="session" value="${counter + 1}"> />

> I am novice and have recently started using these tag libraries.Is
> there a link or web site which has tutorials on how to use the tag
> libraries.

The JSTL specification is available at http://java.sun.com/products/jstl.
If that's too technical for you at the moment, there are also several
books on JSTL; more info on mine is available at the URL below.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.manning.com/bayern

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